Get to know you, for the real you to shine through!


Are you at a crossroads? Are you struggling? Do you lack direction? Do you feel like there is more to life than the one you are currently living?

Many of us spend a huge portion of our lives working, and while some are in their dream jobs, many are not. Many people live in great discomfort, carrying that feeling that their soul feels a bit dead. Who wants to live like that when there’s an alternative?

If your spirit, your essence, is not in fitting with how you spend your time - in work or otherwise - then it is understandable that you might not be operating at your peak, or even feeling good at a basic level.

Who are you? What type of person are you? What could you introduce into your life to demonstrate it? Remember, you have to decide your role in life, play it, and play it well. Nobody else is supposed to do that for you.

If your closest friends and colleagues met and compared notes about you, would they feel like they were talking about the same person? We adapt to different circumstances, sure - most job descriptions demand awareness and flexibility. But when you’re continuously playing a whole different person at home or at work, you’re not being authentic to you.

So how much of you do you know? Self-knowledge is the key to it all. If you haven’t stopped to think about what in life has meaning for you, how can you ever plan a life that includes more of it?

Much love, Joanne xx