5 Ways You Can Create a Beautiful and Safe At-Home Office

When you create a home office, it's easy to neglect the appearance and focus on getting to the desk to get work done. However, if you have visitors or take virtual meetings, safety and design are important elements you must consider when setting up your office. Consider these simple tips (shared below by Joanne Maloney Coaching) to help make your office space more pleasant for yourself and your visitors.

1. Consider Natural Light and Air

Your office space should be conducive to your health as well as your business. Make sure you have plenty of natural light to make the room more comfortable, to regulate the temperature and airflow with air conditioning, and to help provide you with a little natural stress relief. If you don’t have central, purchase a window unit for the office. Remember, most A/C window units will last a long time, but it's a good idea to replace them at least every 10 years.

2. Set an Area for Virtual Meetings

Given the popularity of virtual meetings, your office should have a visually pleasing space for online contact. For example, you can design a corner where you set up a bookcase, some healthy plants, and a few books to make it look professional and provide an office feeling through the computer. If you work in a field that requires higher education, display your diplomas or certifications behind you as well to give your clients comfort when speaking with you.

3. Offer Snacks

If you take in-person visits in your office, you want to make your clients feel comfortable. A great way to do that is to offer snacks. Research shows that having snacks during the work day helps you stay more productive by getting rid of hunger and providing a brief break. Limit your snacks to individually wrapped items and bottled drinks to make it easier for people to take and go and to make it more sanitary. 

4. Take Advantage of Technology to Limit Contact

If you prefer to minimize the amount of person-to-person contact you have inside your home, take advantage of the technology available to make it happen. For example, hold your meetings virtually using collaborative software. You can even limit the amount of paper that exchanges hands by digitizing everything, including your invoices

5. Invest in a Strong Air Purifier

Air quality is a major concern whenever you spend a significant amount of time in a single space. Invest in a strong, well-reviewed air purifier for the office. This is especially important if you have air conditioning in the home. Whether it's a window unit or an HVAC system, filters can get dirty quickly, releasing dirt and dust in the air that can affect your health. If you do get a purifier, remember to check and clean the filter regularly as well.

Once you start using your new space, you'll find ways to adjust it and make it more comfortable and secure. Remember that the person spending the most time in that space is you. It's important that you feel comfortable and productive while you're there. Also, make sure to document any upgrades that raise your home’s value.

If you’re looking for advice on how to grow your business, develop a good self-care routine, or just want to add positivity to your train of thought, get in touch with Joanne Maloney Coaching today.

With many thanks for this article to Courtney Rosenfeld of Gig Spark

Image via Pexels


The destiny of the caterpillar is to become a butterfly...

To become anything less is to never live fully.

Everything in life has to evolve or it dies, and you are not an exception.

To remain who you are is to deny the world the gifts you are here to reveal.

Your playing 'safe' won't save the world and it sure as hell won't save you either.

So stop playing small and settling with what is, when there is more to be.

Beyond what you are seeing, there is more to be seen.

Beyond what you are, there is more to become.

Life is a journey, not a destination.

You only reach the end when you leave this world.

As long as you are alive, don't just breathe... live

Don't just exist... evolve!

Keep striving, keep believing, keep changing, keep growing, keep moving.

And when you feel you've arrived, you'll know it's time to evolve.

Love you ❤


What’s your word of the year for 2023?

We’ve all heard of new year’s resolutions. Popular ones like “getting fit” lead to an influx of people joining the gym in January, only to forget it come February. Guilty much?! 🙌

How about doing it differently in 2023? Your word of the year is like new year’s resolutions. It’s a word that sums up your intention for the new year, how you want the year ahead to feel.

Your word of the year serves to inspire you, to motivate you and to help you focus. While new year’s resolutions target specific areas of your life, your word of the year is more “big picture” – it can be applied to many areas of your life.

For example, my word of the year 2022 was “expansion”, which covered pretty much everything after COVID 😂 including getting healthier, travelling more, opening myself up to new experiences and the expansion of my career.

So, what’s my 2023 word of the year? PROSPER

My intention for 2023 is to prosper in my relationships, health and fitness, career, fun & travel, personal growth and in my finances.

What's your word for 2023?

Love you 💖


23 Tips for 2023

💫 Stare fear right in the face. Live fearlessly, knowing when to stop, when to move and when to be brave.

💫 Invest in your relationships. Friendship is give and take and give and take. Relationships are the ultimate gift.

💫 Take care of yourself... mind, body and soul. Love you with the same tenacity that you love everyone else.

💫 Guilt doesn't need to dictate your choices. Don't let guilt stop you from taking care of yourself.

💫 Read a book. Watch a movie. Take a trip. Do something that is not work, but something that makes you happy.

💫 Love your body. Stop criticising the lumps, bumps and wrinkles, rather embrace them as another year lived.

💫 Don't short-change yourself. You are truly amazing.

💫 Listen more, judge less. Comparison is the thief of joy. Instead of judging, be happy for others.

💫 Slow down. Hold hands more. Say "yes" to one more hug. Just be present.

💫 Create white space in your life. That space between the busy and the crazy where you can just breathe.

💫 Don't be afraid of trying. The worst that can happen is that you dust yourself off and try again.

💫 Be proud of showing up and trying and giving and all the little things you do that matter so much.

💫 Give to others. It's not always about money or time, it can be as simple as extending grace.

💫 Be straightforward with your words. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

💫 Love well. Love without fear. Love unconditionally.

💫 Forgive yourself and others. Grudges destroy, forgiveness brings freedom.

💫 Fall seven times, stand up eight. Don't focus on the falling, celebrate the standing.

💫 Learn from your experiences. There are no mistakes, only lessons or blessings.

💫 Take risks. The biggest risk in life is the risk of not trying.

💫 Mindset, mindset, mindset. Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you're right.

💫 Be adaptable, everything can change in an instant.

💫 Love others for who they are, for their courage, for their strength, for their story. Kindness and love are priceless.

💫 The only way to walk (or run) a thousand miles is by taking the first step. Be brave!

Love you ❤


7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Financial Health and Stop Stressing About Money

Image via Pexels

Your financial health has far-reaching impacts, and financial concerns can add excessive stress to

your life. In fact, surveys show that financial stress has consistently been voted as a frequent

stressor in people’s lives, leading to conditions like anxiety, migraines, high blood pressure,

depression, and digestive distress. Thankfully, there are simple ways to help get yourself back on

track. Personal and professional coach Joanne Maloney explains how.

1. Create a Budget

Creating a budget is one of the easiest ways to keep track of your finances. Plus, it can be good

for your health, because it reduces stress and makes you feel more in control. When creating

your budget, take inventory of all your expenses and streams of revenue so you know exactly

what you’re making and what you’re spending. Don’t forget to include irregular expenses, such as

licence renewal fees, holiday spending, tax costs, and entertainment. In the end, you'll be able to

visualise your habits and make adjustments to meet your goals.

Using a spreadsheet program like Excel can be a great way to create your personal budget and

keep track of it. You can even link to important documents such as your digital bank statements

within the sheet. You can import a PDF by embedding it in your Excel file with a few simple

clicks. Doing this every month is a great method for keeping a close eye on your expenses.

Knowledge is power when it comes to your finances.

2. Maintain Your Credit Score

Your credit score is an indication of your financial health. It is used for anything that involves a

lender, such as buying a car, getting a good rate on your mortgage, or landing a small business

loan. While it won’t provide your current credit score, a free report from the Irish Central Credit

Register will provide what credit information is available on you. You can then work to fix any

errors that may be lowering your score..

3. Start a Side Hustle

Need a little extra income? Turn what you love into a side hustle. This way, you have multiple

sources of income. Some of the most profitable hobbies include drawing, writing, gaming,

photography, music, and crafts. Now, creatives can use a variety of online platforms to generate

their fanbase.

4. Switch Careers

Maybe your current career path isn’t working for you. It might seem scary to start over, but

online degree programs have the flexibility to allow you to balance work, life, and school. There

are online programs, for example, that can help you learn about all things technology. When

you’re ready to start looking for an online school, make sure it’s accredited and offers affordable


5. Consolidate Debt

If you have multiple debts with varying interest rates, it might help to consolidate your payments

into one. However, you should only do this if you can afford the monthly payment and the

interest rate on your consolidated loan will be lower than your other debts. The better your score

is, the more affordable your rate could be and the more money you could save in the long run.

6. Refinance Your Home

Refinancing your home can be a great way to save money. By shopping around for a new

mortgage loan and taking advantage of lower interest rates, you can significantly reduce your

monthly payments. You may also be able to shorten the term of your loan, which can save you

thousands of dollars in interest over the life of the loan. In addition, refinancing can give you the

opportunity to access equity in your home and use it for home improvements or other expenses.

The cost to refinance your home can vary depending on the terms and type of loan you choose.

You’ll likely also pay closing costs, so factor this into your totals when shopping for a loan.

7. Implement Self-Care

Sometimes, all it takes to improve your financial health is a shift in perspective. If you’re not too

worried about it, it won’t feel like such a daunting task. Self-care can be as simple as getting

enough sleep, eating healthy, staying active, and keeping a journal of things you’re grateful for so

that you’re always focusing on the positive.

Although financial stress can be overwhelming, you can regain control by budgeting, readjusting

your career, refinancing your home, and including self-care techniques in your routine. Once you

destress, handling finances becomes much easier.

If you find yourself at a crossroads in life or in business, contact Joanne Maloney for

coaching today!

Article contributed by Emma Grace Brown.

Image via Pexels

Quit These 6 Habits to Change Your Life

Have you recently been struggling in your personal life? Oftentimes, shifting our daily practices can make a huge impact on our overall happiness. Working with a dedicated mentor and coach like Joanne Maloney can help you build better lifestyle habits and put you on the path to healing. In the meantime, you may want to take steps towards avoiding these behaviors in your personal life. 

Burning Out at Work

If you’ve been working long hours, day in and day out, or you simply feel unfulfilled by your job, you might be suffering from burnout. It may be time to start looking into new directions for your career. For instance, you might be more interested in running a home-based business rather than working at a traditional office job.

Striking a balance between your personal and professional life is the key to preventing burnout when you’re managing a business from home, especially if you’re a parent. It’s a good idea to hire childcare for exceptionally busy weeks, and meal prepping during the weekend can free up some of your time. You can implement a few more key strategies to achieve genuine work-life balance, like creating a quiet home office space, committing to a regular schedule, and using accounting software to save time on bookkeeping tasks. 


If you’ve lived through a traumatic experience, you might find yourself ruminating often. When you ruminate, you replay the same negative scenarios over and over again in your head and get stuck in a repetitive thought pattern. To break these negative thought cycles, PsychCentral recommends going for a walk when you notice yourself ruminating - moving your body and getting a change of scenery can help you relax.

Avoiding Professional Support

Maybe you’ve considered reaching out for help before, especially if you’ve been living with PTSD after suffering a traumatic experience. But it can be hard to ask for support when there is such a strong stigma around discussing mental health. However, working with a counselor who specializes in PTSD can give you the necessary tools to manage your symptoms and find healing. 

Excessive Screen Time

When your mental health is suffering, it can be difficult to stay away from certain unhealthy coping mechanisms. You might spend lots of time online, and perhaps you’ve tried to tell yourself that this habit is relatively benign. But in reality, all of the hours you spend in front of a screen take you away from your real life and hold you back from getting better. To cut down on screen time, SUCCESS recommends deleting unnecessary apps that you use too often, reading physical books, and buying an alarm clock so that you don’t need your phone in your bedroom.

Toxic Friendships

You might have certain friends who encourage behaviors that don’t benefit you. When you’re around them, they ignore your needs, and hanging out with them leaves you feeling worse. It may be time to reduce the amount of time you spend with these friends. Taking a step back from friendships that don’t serve you will give you the opportunity to form healthier relationships with new people. They can encourage you to keep changing your life for the better.

Living with Clutter

Disorganization at home is often the sign of a troubled mind, especially when there’s clutter and mess. Your home is supposed to provide shelter and respite from the outside world. When everything is in disarray, it’s harder to find comfort here, and it’s easy for negativity to fill the air, both literally and figuratively. To counteract this, make a point to really clean your home top to bottom. Then develop an organizational system you can maintain to keep your home tidy in the long-term. By taking extra steps to make your home more inviting, it will be the refuge you need.

You do not have to try to change your life overnight. But if you know that you’ve been engaging in harmful behaviors, it’s never too late to start choosing differently. And with professional support, you can make strides to improve your overall quality of life.

If your life challenges are keeping you from meeting your goals, it’s time to get help. Personal, business and executive coach Joanne Maloney can teach you to reframe your perspective and your approach so that you can find the clarity and results you need to be a success. Reach out today! 

Article contributed by Emma Grace Brown

3 Things to Consider When Starting a Local, Community-Friendly Small Business by guest author Dean Burgess

Small businesses can have huge effects on their local communities in several ways: They add charm to crowded streets, they benefit the local economy, and they help create an identity for community members. If you’ve always toyed with the idea of starting a local, small business that affects the lives of members in your town, you may wonder how to get started implementing your ideas. Consider the three ideas below when you start your community-friendly small business.


1. Ensure Your Team's Understanding of Basic, Everyday Tasks

If you consider everyday tasks to include communicating with your employees, sending out orders if you operate a business with an online component, and budgeting finances for important upcoming expenditures, you’d be correct — but these are not the only things that you or your team will have to do during the day, and simply putting “budgeting” on your schedule can make for a vague, confusing workday. Make organized to-do lists and hold regular, productive meetings with employees to break down vague tasks into actionable items and to encourage camaraderie.


If you are new to entrepreneurship and you’re not yet used to working for yourself, it can be difficult to manage your workday without any external structure. The solution? Create it for yourself. Consider investing in time management software or apps for yourself and your team, and look into project management platforms to ensure that everyone is on the same page. 


2. Upgrade Your Marketing by Using Professional Services

Marketing may seem like an additional full-time job that you didn’t agree to take on when you started your business. Consider using professional marketing services when you’re starting out to take some of the pressure off yourself and your team. You can expect the WordPress developer salary to be between $15 and $30 an hour to create and optimize your business’s website, especially if they are students or recent graduates.


If you don’t know anyone suitable for the job, you may be able to locate a developer by combing through online reviews on online freelance job boards. Don’t worry if your budget is tight at the moment: You may be able to work with your developer to trade goods or services for an upgrade.


3. Engage Your Local Community

Working with locals to create sustainable and fun business relationships may be the part you’ve been waiting for. If you’re opening a shop that serves food or coffee, you’ve already got a great way to interact with people through advertising seasonal items, giving out loyalty cards, and creating what’s commonly known as a third space in which people can relax and work in their new home away from home (or place to come and do remote work). According to Entrepreneur, building relationships with customers often comes down to simple communication and feedback.


A business that promotes local services such as painting and interior design, dry cleaning, or wellness services can hold seasonal promotions, sponsor public events, and work with other small businesses in the area to create a team promotional effort. You can benefit the local community by engaging with customers on a regular basis and volunteering around town as a team to make your presence known and recognized by locals.


Some of the best ways to benefit your community won’t break your budget, and many are free. Try upgrading your business’s website, volunteering and getting involved in local events, and simply forging relationships with your customers!


Want to start strong in your new endeavor? Book a free discovery call here.

Impact Coaching - Coaching for Coaches

Does this sound like you? 

  • You are a newly qualified coach, or you are a coach that is struggling to "get up and running," and get your practice started?

  • You are unclear and uncertain about what the next steps are?

  • You wish that your course offered more ongoing support so that you can transition from student coach to a competent coach who is on track to build a thriving business?

  • You are struggling with the who, what & how of building a coaching practice?

  • You feel that you are on your own and have nowhere to turn for help?

  • You have looked into getting your own coach, but the high fees are a deterrent?

  • You are now starting to doubt yourself and wonder will you ever be able to create the business and have the impact that you hoped to create?

A couple of years ago I was all of the above and then some.
I wished very much to have had someone in my corner then - someone who could be "me for me "if that makes sense & I was the lucky one as far as my background in teaching & the experience myself & my husband had in retail businesses over the years coupled with having been involved in the network marketing world previously all gave me the insights and foundational elements to allow me to be able to set up my coaching business straight out of my course. However, I saw many of those who qualified not to get off the ground for one reason or another but again the thought that many more would be in practice today if they had the support, guidance, and direction. 

I love coaching I truly do, and I ascribe to the "ABC" motto - always be coaching! And I have seen so many transformations & so many people's lives be changed by the coaching process. It is a shame that those that are truly called to the profession find themselves frustrated, uncertain, and unable to progress. 

I have spent time talking to many new coaches who in my research outlined the following areas of concern for them. 

  • What are the next steps.?

  • What is required to set up my own coaching business.?

  • Where do I go for clients.?

  • How do I identify my ideal clients.?

  • How do I connect with them.?

  • I hate / I am unsure of social media how can I get clients.?

  • How do I price my services.?

  • What are the accounts books I need to keep.?

  • When & how do I register my business.?

  • What insurances are needed & where do I go for same.?

  • I am going to miss having a community of like-minded people around me.?

  • What if I am not good enough?

  • There are so many coaches now and so much noise on social media how can I stand out.?

  • What about taxes.?

 These are just some of the issues facing new coaches. I have seen how they can be obstacles that if allowed will either slow your progress down or indeed stop you altogether. 

  • What would it be like if you could have someone guide you through those first initial steps?

  • What difference would it make to you to have someone who collaborated with you?

  • What impact would there be having someone who coaches and mentors you have on your business?

  • What will it look like if you do not have these things?

"I will not let you play small. I want you to know that I SEE YOU, I HEAR YOU and I promise to say what needs to be said so that you get the results that you desire, whilst developing the confidence and clarity you need." 

At impact coaching, we can be that someone for you.  

We offer a 6-month course, designed to be a "hybrid-type" which will include both private one-to-one time & also group teaching. 

You will have 2 one to ones and 2 group sessions per month, this ensures that you get the absolute maximum benefit to include Personal support and guidance for any area of your life you are challenged by (because we all have stuff going on) 
The added benefit of the community, along with the group teachings & the practice of your coaching & enrolment skills will help you gain clarity, build confidence, and help you create a business that not only serves your clients but also serves your life. 

A- We begin by defining your values, purpose, and vision so as you gain clarity. 

B-With that foundation in place we co-create a remarkably simple plan for you this focuses you on the right things at the right time.  

C - You now know who you really are, why you are doing what you are doing, and have a plan to get there. 


You will have access to resources and guest presenters who will open your mind and your heart to include an accountant who will guide you in all you need to know regarding how to register, what way to keep books & about your taxes etc. to alleviate your concerns in that area. 

If this resonates at all with you, please do avail of a free clarity session, a gift from me to you. We can connect and see if this is the right fit for you. 

Coaching for Coaches - What's Included!

Pre Course Call

An On-Line Pre-Coaching Course call so that I can get to know you and the issues you want to work on ahead of time. Ensure that we are a good match -to maximize results.

Coach the Coach Sessions

2 x Monthly One-to-One Coaching sessions to intensively focus on the strategies and plans that will move you forward in the quickest and simplest way possible. 

Group Session

2 x Monthly Group Sessions. 


Member access to the resource center where you will find resources to support your learning and to help you up a level.


Email access to stay in touch, report on your progress, pick my brain, and receive additional support between coaching sessions.

Progress Tracking

Accountability to keep you moving in the right direction.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for more details and upcoming start dates and investment.

Karyn Johnstone


10 Signs That You’re Going Against The Flow


Are you resisting living your life by going against the flow?

Living with resistance is pointless, exhausting and ultimately painful!

Check out the points below to learn how you can empower yourself with simple solutions to reignite your flow…

1. Believing in right or wrong

Right and wrong are words that we use to label ourselves, others and experiences. They are meaningless! The concept of something being right or wrong is completely down to individual perspective and the context in which we view it. If something is wrong, it leads us to resist it, causing unease. Practice no longer labelling anything or anyone as right or wrong. Let yourself witness everything with fresh eyes and a new perspective.

2. Looking for limitations

We become conditioned by our beliefs and past experiences to anticipate what may come next in life. Our brains are hard-wired to look for evidence to support our perspective. If we look for limitations and barriers in our daily life, we will find them quite easily. Anticipate miracles and magic instead. Shift your perspective to be ready for happy surprises and instances of life leveraging you forward.

3. Accepting “your lot”

The natural flow of life is designed for us to flourish and fly at our full potential. Giving up on ourselves and accepting that life can’t change for us or that we can’t achieve what we desire to, goes against this natural flow. Remind yourself daily that your nature is to is to grow and evolve constantly. You are a creative being and anything is possible!

4. Forcing things to happen

When we are pushing to make things happen, life becomes hard work. Society conditions us to believe that we must fight for what we want. We can easily adopt an “at all costs” approach to achieving our desires. Rather than pushing through, trust that what you desire will come to you at the right time as a result of you doing what you love and enjoying every moment of it.  Train your mind to focus on this – believe it, think it, feel it!

5. Repeating negative experiences and patterns

Challenges in life are nothing more than opportunities to learn. We grow through the tough times. As we reflect upon them, we understand what they have taught us about ourselves at a deeper level and then we step forward as stronger and wiser people. If we do not take the time to reflect or take the learning on-board, we are destined to repeat negative experiences over and over again. It is wise to take stock of negative experiences and patterns in your life. Consider what lessons lie within them and live with a continuous growth mindset.

6. Using the word “should”

Often when we say “should”, it immediately denotes a non-acceptance of what already is, or forcing something into existence. How often do you say “I should lose weight”, “I should leave this job” or “I should try harder”. What this creates is the expectation that something should be different than it actually is. This can only create discontent with the reality we’re experiencing. Notice where you are using the word “should”.  Accept what is, and from that place you can still take action to create new outcomes that fit your preferred reality.

7. Auto-pilot mode

Life constantly presents us with signals, signs and synchronicities as a feedback mechanism to help us evolve and go with the natural flow in life. Ignoring these signals can be perilous. If we live on auto-pilot with no conscious awareness, we risk missing these valuable messages. Lift your awareness.  Practice being fully present in the NOW.  Embrace your childlike wonder in every moment. Be curious and reflective. Make it a priority to learn from and grow through each opportunity and challenge you encounter.

8. Being attached to your beliefs and opinions

Remaining stuck within a limited perspective or attached to our opinions, prevents us from evolving in our understanding of ourselves and our life. We are constantly offered opportunities to open our minds and expand our knowledge, but we must first accept the invitation to do so. Notice what you hold strong opinions about. Reflect upon the validity of other people’s perspectives. Treat your opinions and beliefs as temporary and upgradeable.

9. Avoiding change

When we stay within our comfort zone, shying away from fear, we are not truly living. Life calls us to step out into the unknown, to dream our dreams, to use our minds to imagine and create new possibilities and to take action to bring them into our reality. Fear does not have to define your life, just acknowledge it is a normal response to entering unknown territory.  List out what you most aspire to be, do and create, then list what fears keep you stuck. Select one fear and commit to taking action to face that fear. Move forward by channelling fear into curiosity as you explore and create.

10. Believing the world is against you 

It can seem, at times, like we are separate from one another and from the world as a whole. We are led to believe in this separateness, due to the independent nature of our physical world. However, everything is energy. Everything is consciousness manifesting as life. Everything is therefore connected from one source. Source energy never goes against itself. It is impossible for the world to be against you. Remind yourself daily that the Universe always has your back.

As always, if you notice resistance in your own life and need some help, please don't hesitate to reach out, I'd love to hear from you.

Much love, Jo xxx

Podcast - Chatting with Colman Power on improving all areas of health and why he's single!


Delighted to have been invited as a guest on Colman Power's Podcast this week.

We spoke about all things coaching, retreats and improving all areas of health, wealth, love and fulfillment.

Colman was totally open about his past relationship experiences with me.... which he had never shared before about his personal life!!

So looking forward to reconnecting with Colman again at our Great Stuff Retreats in Schull, Cork on the 31st July and 24th September

Enjoy the show!


How To Make Change Work For You!


So many of us are experiencing some level of change right now. In the midst of the pandemic, we are all undergoing transitions of some kind, whether that's in our career, our relationships, or our mental, emotional, physical or spiritual health. Sometimes this can lead us to feeling guilt or shame, a sense of failure or hopelessness. Somehow we feel we must have made a mistake somewhere along the way or that change is something we should resist.

But what if we’re wrong? What if these uncomfortable changes are really just growing pains, necessary for our own personal growth? When we reach the limits of an old way of being or a view that is no longer a match with this stage of our journey, it generally starts to get pretty uncomfortable. And that’s a really GOOD thing!

There is massive value in stepping out of your comfort zone and making changes to your life. Change not only creates new experiences, it also increases your confidence and nurtures your personal growth. In many cases, it can help to end stagnant situations and signal the beginning of a new life chapter.

Making the decision and taking the first step to change may be difficult to begin with. Many of us are resistant to change because we fear the unknown or feel a lack or confidence. But once you get started and witness the benefits that shaking things up brings, it naturally becomes easier. And the added bonus of making a change in one area of your life, more often than not leads to a change in another. For instance, when you improve your diet, your mindset changes. When you take time to meditate, your health improves. They are all connected!

"Remember that the only constant in life is change” ~ Buddha

Here are a few examples of how you can make change work for you:


Your words, whether you say them out loud or think them, influence your life and the lives of those around you. Putting effort and intention into keeping your language positive - whether you're communicating how you feel or expressing your opinion - will improve your thought patterns and in turn improve your relationships with others. It will also reduce the possibility of negative interpretations. Try listening to your own conversations to spot negativity and patterns in the type of words you might be choosing. Change your "shoulds" to "coulds" and weed out words that shame or blame yourself or others.


You will very quickly notice a positive effect on your mind as well as your body when you make healthier food and drink choices, such as drinking more water, consuming less sugar, cutting down on booze or following a varied wholefood diet. Seriously, who doesn't want to look, feel and think better?

Recently I did a course with an amazing Nutritional Therapist, and by making a few small changes in my diet, I have seen big improvements in my energy levels, my mindset and my figure! The small changes and the results that I have seen already have spurred me on to try new products, recipes and ways of cooking. Even if you know that you need to make a change in this area but you don't know where to start, the key is to take one small action - and see the benefit of that after a week or two. The motivation and confidence you gain from seeing results will set you on the path for even greater changes!


Making a change to your daily routine switches things up and creates new experiences. Try changing up your morning routine, your meal times or maybe your working hours if that's possible. Could you take a half hour a day for reading, meditation or catching up with friends? Could you listen to a podcast while walking or working out? Could you write a list of things that you are grateful for first thing in the morning instead of hitting snooze?

We have an average of 50,000 thoughts every day and 95% of them are the same things we were thinking about yesterday! Without introducing new information or routines, we become stagnant and our world becomes smaller and smaller. It's much easier to kick the can down the road and say "I'll start tomorrow" but bear in mind that if you don't start making changes, everything in your life will stay the same.


New surroundings can revive your senses, resulting in fresh thoughts, emotions and actions. At a basic level, decluttering, redecorating, changing colours, lighting and textures in your home or moving the furniture around, can actually reduce stress. If you are considering a bigger change like a city, country or continent move, it might at first seem completely impossible. First comes the dream, but once you start looking into it, researching it and talking to other people who have made a change, it will feel more achievable.

Resistance to a change of environment may come from those close to you. It is important to remember that you are doing what is right for you. To move past any judgement, remind yourself of the dream that started you on this journey. Write a list of reasons why it will work for you and stay motivated by reading this list regularly.


Most of us believe that our perfect job is out there somewhere, but more often than not we'll stop ourselves from going for it because our inner voice tells us that we need “more”.... higher qualifications, skills, youth, energy or experience. Even if we dare to believe it's possible, we can trip ourselves up by concentrating on what we don't have, rather than visualising the dream job we are hoping to attract.

If you have fears holding you back, start asking yourself questions. If you need a new qualification, which one? Where can you get it and is there a cost? A really good tool that I use with clients is asking them to write their perfect "Job Description" to include their favourite tasks, the hours that they work and the pay that they will receive and that becomes a goal. Try it for yourself! If you don't know exactly what you want, how are you going to recognise it when it shows up?!

As always, if you are going through changes in your own life and need some help, please don't hesitate to reach out, I'd love to hear from you.

Much love, Jo xxx

Do You Ever Wonder What Your Purpose In Life Is?


If you're anything like me, you have likely spent years or even decades searching for your purpose in the world, the reason why you're here on earth. You just have this deep "knowing" that you're destined to be on a different path, that's there's "more" out there for you. But what exactly is it? You might get super-excited about a new avenue for like a day, a week or a month before eventually going, "Nah, that's not it". You might even be embarrassed that you've tried so many things and still you're haven't found "it". Worse again, you might abandon ship altogether with the thought that there's likely something wrong with you for wanting "more". Trust me, we've all been there! And until you've found your soul’s purpose, there is "more" ... it's what drives you and moves you forward, even if you haven't yet identified what exactly “that” is yet.

When you know your soul’s purpose, you’re content with your life. When you're living your life on purpose, you feel a sense of flow, as if you’re headed in the right direction. Everything feels right, you feel motivated and intrinsically happy with little to no effort. When you tap into your soul’s purpose, you feel a sense of peace and harmony. When you feel like you're going against the flow or that you’re meeting roadblocks at every turn, you have quite possibly veered off your path.

Some people are really fortunate to know their true soul’s purpose from early in life, while others discover it much later on. Sometimes a soul’s purpose emerges in response to a life experience which may have been completely joyful. Sometimes your purpose becomes completely apparent as the result of a traumatic event, or like me, a series of them!

There are things, though, that don’t nurture or feed our soul’s purpose. We need to let go of what no longer serves us, whether they are thoughts, actions, emotions or old patterns of behaviour. If you’re constantly feeling drained around someone, consider letting that person go. Maybe this person is sucking the joy out of your life. If a habit is causing you more pain than happiness, it might be time to look at it. If you find yourself going around and around in a negative loop in your head, consider upgrading your mindset. Your soul is giving you messages all the time. Learn to listen to your intuition, learn how to follow it and learn how to let go. Letting go is one of the hardest things to do but you need to create space in your life for the people, places and things that resonate with your soul at this part of your journey. Every next level is going to require a different version of you … an upgrade of sorts … it is a journey after all!

If you’re at a crossroads in your life, it could be a good time to ask yourself some questions that may inspire your own soul's growth:

  • What am I really good at?

  • What lights me up?

  • What did I love to do as a child?

  • What are my core values?

  • Who or what in my life no longer serves me?

  • Have I had any wake-up calls that changed the way I view life?

  • What do I teach others that helps them transform their own lives?

  • Who are my role models and who inspires me?

  • Are there any coincidences or synchronicities that could serve as clues?

  • What are my wildest dreams and desires?

  • If I had six months to live, what would I do?

Finding your soul’s purpose could be viewed as a journey back to yourself, who you are at your core. It can be a scavenger hunt or a treasure hunt, you decide what feels best for you! It’s all about being self-aware, curious and asking questions that bring you closer to the place you were always meant to be, to your home within you. You are not ahead or behind on your journey, you are exactly where you are supposed to be at this moment in time. Trust and know that the right next clue, signpost, roadmap, teacher or mentor is always available to you if you remain open to it.

If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be.” ~ Joseph Campbell

As always, if this resonates with you or you feel that you may need some help on your own journey, please don't hesitate to reach out, I'd love to hear from you.

Much love xxx

Are You Ready To Become "Un-Stuck"?


You wake up one day and you realise that your life isn’t quite where you want it to be. You might have daydreams or fantasies of what your “ideal” life might look like, but you find that you’re going around in the same circle, repeating past behaviours or patterns, or simply just caught up in your regular day-to-day routines.

So now you find yourself here, maybe unfulfilled with just one element of your life, like your career, relationship, or health, or completely and utterly “stuck” in your life in general.

To keep it really simple, you have two options: either change something or stay the same. And we all know the definition of insanity right? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

If this is where you’re at right now, have a look at these questions and see where your answers take you:

How healthy are you really?

Good nutrition and exercise solves a whole lot of problems, yet we often look in every other direction than the most obvious one. If you feel bad physically, you'll feel bad mentally. If you're in a negative headspace, it will most likely impact on your emotional health. Does the fact that you're physically stagnant have anything to do with the fact that you're mentally stagnant? It probably does. Improving your spiritual health is going to have such a positive impact on your physical, mental and emotional health. You can't untangle all of your “bodies” from each other, however making a difference in one area will certainly have a positive impact on the others.

What can you start doing to become healthier? Something achievable like improving your diet, listening to a podcast, meditating or taking a walk? The idea of getting healthy might seem like the most basic thing in the world, but improving your overall life begins with doing the most obvious things first, and then doing them consistently.

When did you last step outside of your comfort zone?

Where have you been playing it safe? When was the last time you tried something new? When did you last assert yourself and speak your mind when you knew deep down you had something to say? Feeling “stuck” isn't a result of dramatic circumstances, it happens when you have repeatedly done nothing new over a long period of time.

Possibly, like me, you grew up with the belief that "the devil you know is better than the devil you don't". You might hate your boss, but at least you know what to expect. You might not be in love with your partner any more, but co-existing is easier than starting over to find a new partner or worse again, being alone.

You can shock yourself into action when you realise that you have stayed in your comfort zone for months, years, or even worse, your entire life…..

What are you afraid of?

The fear you have is the reason why you avoid change, isn't it? How do you think that I know that? Because you're human, and as humans we're hard-wired to be afraid of change. Fear keeps us “safe” and “comfortable”.

With that knowledge, get to the root of why you're so afraid of making changes in your life. Is what you're facing truly terrifying or is it just a story you're telling yourself? Has anyone else made it through a similar situation and done the things you're afraid of? If so, then it's absolutely possible for you to do so too.

There are two types of people in this world, the people who face their fears and people who don't. The difference in the quality of their lives is dramatic. We're all afraid of something, we are human after all. It takes courage to face your fears and push forward anyway, but that courage to take the first step builds confidence, with that you'll find that you're then able to take bigger steps.

What will happen if you continue to live this way?

What will your life look like in five, ten, or twenty years time if you continue to do the things you've been doing? Do you like what you see? It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine and lose sight of the bigger picture.

As much as possible, I always try to zoom out and remember why I'm doing what I'm doing — when I feel like my career is progressing too slowly, when I'm doing tedious tasks in support of my goals that I don't feel like doing, when I want to quit and cry and scream and throw things (this happens!).

Pushing through the pain or discomfort, as exhausting and uncomfortable as it might be, is a sure-fire way for me to reach my goals, to create my best life filled with purpose, passion and meaning, so reminding myself what my life goals are allows me to push through and get on with it.

What will staying in the same career do to your life?

Time is the most valuable commodity that we have. The way you make your living is anything but inconsequential. Your work is important, because you spend a lot of your valuable time working. I'm not saying that you have to love every second of your work day, but if you don't feel like you have a purpose, a sense of contribution or regularly experience some level of enjoyment, it will ultimately cause you harm.

If you work in a soul-destroying job, that destruction can spill over into the other parts of your life... like your health, your relationship, your family life. It's possible that you can see the effects of this already if you're being really honest with yourself.

Is there a disconnect between your career and your core values? Could the situation be improved by moving in a different direction? Do you want to quit your job and start over? Can you take a part-time course? What are your options?

What do you hate?

Figuring out what you really and truly like can be pretty difficult. Figuring out what you don't want and subsequently removing or avoiding it is much easier. If you can identify and remove most of the negativity from your life you'll be in a really good place. We often tolerate things that we hate for a greater good. We figure we can put up with something because it has a some sort of benefit. But really, what is the benefit?

I'll admit that in the past I've done jobs that I didn't love and stuck with them for the payday, but I've realised that life is too short and my health is too important to do things that I genuinely despise, so I've just stopped doing them.

Is the juice really worth the squeeze? What reward could be so great as to tolerate something you hate? I can't think of a really good answer. Can you?

What would you do if you knew you had only six months to live?

You can spend time doing what you love right this minute. I love compelling conversations, so I surround myself with inspiring and passionate people. I love writing, so I write. I love learning, so I learn. I love walking with my dog, so we walk. I have a great family and amazing friends, so I love to spend time with them. I'm so looking forward to the day when we can travel more which will help satisfy my thirst for adventure outside of our current limitations.

What if you were told that your time on earth was limited? You wouldn't spend it sitting still and awaiting your final moments. You'd go do all of the things you've been putting off until you get that promotion or lose that extra stone. You may reach out to the people closest to you and spend as much time with them as possible. You would very quickly figure out the most important things to you and take action on them. One of the best ways to get un-stuck is to realise that you truly don't know how much time you have left on this planet, so aim to live your life to the fullest and die without regrets.

Are you playing to your strengths?

What are you good at? What are the skills and talents that are unique to you? How often do you get to use your strengths? Is your life or career path aligned with your positive qualities?

The problem with doing something you're not at least somewhat good at is two-fold. First, you have a cap on how good you can be, and that cap is probably mediocre at best. Second, you'll be unhappy or indifferent because believe it or not, your passion comes from your level of skill and competence, not the other way around.

You can absolutely continue to force yourself into a box that's actually not a good fit for you, but jamming a square peg into a round hole hurts, and if you do it for long enough you'll wear out the edges of your sanity.

What’s the first step you can take?

The environment we live in has such a big impact on our overall health, so cleaning it up is a really easy way to make a positive change in your life. If you are surrounded by clutter in your home, you're pretty likely to have a cluttered mind. If you are organised, you are more likely to be productive and successful. If you listen to the news regularly, you are more likely to be fearful. If you engage with or entertain negativity or drama in your inner world, you will likely see much more of it in your overall life.

What old “stories” are you telling yourself? What “habits” do you have that are doing you more harm than good? What do you need to let go of? Who is dragging you down? What are you watching? What are you reading? Who do you follow? What are you eating? Cleaning up your act consciously is the very best first step you can possibly take in transforming your current circumstances into a life that you absolutely love to live.

Your life isn't going to magically change after reading this, but it can be a start if you take action. The little things that you do over time will make up your whole life and will lay the foundations for the bigger things to come. This is your life, I truly hope you yearn to live it, not just exist.

As always, if there’s anything in here that strikes a chord or that you would like me to help you with, please reach out… I would love to hear from you.

Much love xxx

Facing Fear

Fear is the number one reason why people miss out on so many of the opportunities that arise in their lives … opportunities for love, friendship, becoming an entrepreneur, career advancement and much, much more. Often when we’re afraid of rejection or failure, we hold back from asking for help, phone numbers, and pay rises, even when we are worthy and deserving of every good thing that could happen to us. And because of our fear, we miss out on many experiences that could bring us joy, excitement and satisfaction. Fortunately, there are simple but powerful practices that will help you to face your fears and take your power back, freeing you up to focus on saying “Yes” to your life. Want to start using these practices?

The Fear of Change

Humans are creatures of habit. We like routines and knowing the outcome of our efforts, which alone can keep us from living up to our potential or trying out new things. So in order to overcome the fear of change, you have got to realise when change is really worth it. If the end result is of real value to you, then you won’t mind the extra time or effort put in to achieve the change. If it feels overwhelming, put together an action plan and break it down into small steps. How do you eat an elephant? One small bite at a time :-)

The Fear of Failure

When people are scared of failure, they’re usually afraid that others won’t see them as successful. So, how do you overcome it? Define what success actually means to you, what your end result would look like and how it would make you feel. It should be something that’s attainable and one that improves your life. Remind yourself that failure is relative. If you’re not able to achieve one step along the way, it’s not the end of your journey. Take time to think the situation over, then plan a new route.

The Fear of Uncertainty

Because fear is naturally rooted in the unknown, if we know how things would work out in the end, we actually wouldn’t worry about our decisions. Ultimately you just need to be more confident in your choices. How? Consider the information to know to be true. Is there really a risk involved? Can you mitigate that risk? If so, how? Can someone else provide more clarity? Will you be ok if it doesn’t work out? Learn how to be at peace with the end result. If it works out, great! If it doesn’t, remember that you made the best decision with the information that you had at the time. From there, you learn. There’s really no such thing as a mistake if you can look at it from another perspective, it’s really just an opportunity for growth and along the way you gained confidence in knowing that you tried something new and learned from it.

The Fear of Being Judged

Most people worry about what other people will or already do think of them. But it’s really important to remember that you have no control over other peoples perception of you. And quite honestly, the people that matter the most to you will tend to be the most understanding. Also you will find that the people who own their own mistakes recognise that everyone is bound to make them. They also understand that mistakes are the building blocks of character and can lead to many greater things with the right perspective. Listen to those people and watch how they grow. Someone’s opinion of you will only matter if you let it. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said: “No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent”.

The Fear of Rejection

Some people are afraid of rejection itself. It’s hard to step out of your comfort zone, so that may cause you not go after your dreams. If you have this fear, try writing out a list of the worst possible scenarios and then decide if it’s really and truly not worth the risk. A lot of the time you might find that your fear is actually rooted in what someone else would think of you, even a complete stranger! Another thing you can try is de-sensitising yourself to rejection, like asking for a free coffee refill at a bar or restaurant. This often helps getting over your fear in a really low-risk way, but you might be pleasantly surprised how often you get what you want because you had the courage to ask! If you don’t ask, you don’t get!!

If you find that your fears are debilitating and you aren’t having much success in facing them on your own, please don’t be afraid to reach out to me or another professional. A session may involve talking about the thing that scares you, working on the thought patterns and beliefs that keep you stuck, practising relaxation techniques and managing your anxiety as you face your fears head-on. A professional can help you go at a pace that is comfortable for you, in a healthy manner that helps you move past your fear, rather than in a way that traumatises you.

With much love xxx