When you create a home office, it's easy to neglect the appearance and focus on getting to the desk to get work done. However, if you have visitors or take virtual meetings, safety and design are important elements you must consider when setting up your office. Consider these simple tips (shared below by Joanne Maloney Coaching) to help make your office space more pleasant for yourself and your visitors.
1. Consider Natural Light and Air
Your office space should be conducive to your health as well as your business. Make sure you have plenty of natural light to make the room more comfortable, to regulate the temperature and airflow with air conditioning, and to help provide you with a little natural stress relief. If you don’t have central, purchase a window unit for the office. Remember, most A/C window units will last a long time, but it's a good idea to replace them at least every 10 years.
2. Set an Area for Virtual Meetings
Given the popularity of virtual meetings, your office should have a visually pleasing space for online contact. For example, you can design a corner where you set up a bookcase, some healthy plants, and a few books to make it look professional and provide an office feeling through the computer. If you work in a field that requires higher education, display your diplomas or certifications behind you as well to give your clients comfort when speaking with you.
3. Offer Snacks
If you take in-person visits in your office, you want to make your clients feel comfortable. A great way to do that is to offer snacks. Research shows that having snacks during the work day helps you stay more productive by getting rid of hunger and providing a brief break. Limit your snacks to individually wrapped items and bottled drinks to make it easier for people to take and go and to make it more sanitary.
4. Take Advantage of Technology to Limit Contact
If you prefer to minimize the amount of person-to-person contact you have inside your home, take advantage of the technology available to make it happen. For example, hold your meetings virtually using collaborative software. You can even limit the amount of paper that exchanges hands by digitizing everything, including your invoices
5. Invest in a Strong Air Purifier
Air quality is a major concern whenever you spend a significant amount of time in a single space. Invest in a strong, well-reviewed air purifier for the office. This is especially important if you have air conditioning in the home. Whether it's a window unit or an HVAC system, filters can get dirty quickly, releasing dirt and dust in the air that can affect your health. If you do get a purifier, remember to check and clean the filter regularly as well.
Once you start using your new space, you'll find ways to adjust it and make it more comfortable and secure. Remember that the person spending the most time in that space is you. It's important that you feel comfortable and productive while you're there. Also, make sure to document any upgrades that raise your home’s value.
If you’re looking for advice on how to grow your business, develop a good self-care routine, or just want to add positivity to your train of thought, get in touch with Joanne Maloney Coaching today.
With many thanks for this article to Courtney Rosenfeld of Gig Spark
Image via Pexels